Shock Tubes

C. Hofmann, T. Rödiger, S. Kaneider, R. Brederlow, J.-E. Brune, L. Jakobs, T. Sander, Ch. Mundt: Direct and Simultaneous Measurement of Wall-Heat Flux and Temperature in a Shock Tube by Atomic Layer Thermopiles”, AIAA-2025-1629, AIAA Scitech, 2025.

J.-E. Brune, T. Sander, T. Rödiger, K. Huber and C. Mundt, “Experimental Investigation of Atomic Layer Thermopile Heat-Flux Sensors in a Shock Tube. AIAA 2023-2263, AIAA Scitech. 2023.

T. Roediger, H. Knauss, J. Srulijes, F. Seiler, E. Kraemer: A novel fast-response heat-flux sensor for measuring transition to turbulence in the boundary layer behind a moving shock wave. International Symposium on Shock Waves, Göttingen, 2007.