About this website…

ALTPs measure mean values and fluctuation with microsecond resolution. The sensors are mostly used in convective flow environments but they also perform well in all other heat transfer modes.

The collected publications are ordered according to flow phenomena & applications below. Some papers address multiple topics and in this case the paper is placed to the topic that appears to be main focus. Some of the publications are completely focused on different aspects of ALTP sensors but in most, the sensors are only one measurement technique among others to study flow physicsc. In case, publications are missing and should be added to the list, please inform me at info@altp-sensor.com

ALTP sensors are commercially available and an overview of sensor modules, flow probes, measuring systems, static and dynamic calibration as well as repair and rental service can be found here.

All chapter of thesis introducing ALTPs as new heat transfer measurement technique in fluid mechanics and thermodynamics can be found below for download (Dissertation, Tim Rödiger, Universität Stuttgart, 2010).

Flow phenomena & applications

Dissertation T. Rödiger, Uni Stuttgart, 2010:
Atomic Layer Thermopiles – A new heat transfer measurement technique in fluid mechanics and thermodynamics

In the following the chapters of the thesis can be downloaded. The chapters provide an overview on sensor characteristics and flow applications.