Calibration and sensor comparison

C. Hofmann, T. Rödiger, S. Kaneider, R. Brederlow, J.-E. Brune, L. Jakobs, T. Sander, Ch. Mundt: Direct and Simultaneous Measurement of Wall-Heat Flux and Temperature in a Shock Tube by Atomic Layer Thermopiles”, AIAA-2025-1629, AIAA Scitech, 2025.

K. Huber, T. Rödiger, L. Bhatnagar, G. Paniagua: Atomic Layer Thermopiles: Comprehensive Calibration, Comparison and Application in High Speed Flows. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Volume 183, 107881, 2022.

K. Huber, T. Rödiger: A transient thermal analysis of a fast-response heat flux sensor. Proceedings of the International Congresses on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM) vol 25, 2021

K. Huber, T. Rödiger: Comparison of radiation and convection-based calibration of fast-response heat flux sensors. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, GT2020-14412, 2020.

L. Bhatnagar, G. Paniagua: Development of high speed and high temperature atomic layer thermopiles. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, GT2019-91012, 2019.

S.V. Bobashev, N.P. Mende, P.A. ; Popov, B.I. Reznikov, V.A. Sakharov, S.Z. Sapozhnikov, V.Yu. Mityakov, D.A. Buntin, A.A. Maslov, H. Knauss, T. Roediger: Using anisotropic heat flux sensors in aerodynamic experiments. Technical Physics Letters, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 214-216, 2009.

T. Roediger, H. Knauss, S. Wagner, E. Kraemer, G.M. Zharkova,V.N. Kovrizhina, A.P. Petrov, B.V. Smorodsky: Comparative heat transfer studies at hypersonic conditions by means of three measurement techniques
Part I: Measurement techniques, experimental set-up and preceding investigations;
Part II: Comparison of the measurement results and identification with theoretical estimations, Proc. ICMAR, 2007.

T. Roediger, H. Knauss, S. Wagner, E. Kraemer, D.A. Bountin, B.V. Smorodsky, V.F. Chirashenko, V.I. Zvegintsev, A.A: Maslov: The Atomic Layer Thermopile – A fast heat flux sensor for measuring high heat loads in short duration hypersonic ground testing facilities, Proc. ICMAR, 2007.

T. Roediger, E. Kraemer: A novel fast-response heat flux sensor for fundamental research in the field of future space transportation systems, IAC-07-E2.2.07, International Astronautical Congress, 2007.